Discipline is the key to success
Master Coach Craig
January 30, 2025
When you think of discipline, what do you think of?
I think about Navy SEALs. They epitomize the idea of toughness, discipline and preparation. My friend Tommy Richardson encapsulates all three of these, and has first hand experience as a former Marine Infantry Captain and retired Navy SEAL Commander. Did I mention he can bench press 500 pounds? Here are three lessons from a Navy SEAL Commander that can help you gain perspective to stay disciplined in your fitness routine.
Q: What is training really like in the SEALs?
A: “When most folks think of SEAL training they think of Basic Underwater Demolition/SEAL training. In short, it’s six months of brutality. Imagine living in a meat locker for six months and every hour on the hour someone pours a five gallon jug of ice water down your back, throws sand in your face, and kicks you in the gut. It’s not for the faint of heart and it does exactly what it’s supposed to do – find the toughest people in the world and shape them into an unstoppable fighting force for good.
In the actual SEAL Teams, for organized physical training we had a Human Performance Program that wrote up WOD style workouts that mirrored CrossFit but there was no formal instruction unless we asked for it. We also did group Obstacle Courses, Swims, Runs, and Monster Mashes(combination of everything). On the road we were on our own and there was usually a gym on, or near, the training site. On deployment it all depended on where we were. It was a fly away kit, Spartan style bodyweight, or if we had a gym we’d use that. We were on our own there.
It wasn’t until I started with Westside Barbell and the Conjugate System at the end of my career that I had formal coaching. It was also the first time I used a system. It fixed all the gaps in my game and got me to places I was told I’d never go. Most of my pains have been mitigated and some are gone completely.”
Q: What’s your advice for someone training to be “functional”?
A: “It depends. All exercises are functional and everyone is different. A person has to be able to push, pull, squat, hinge, overhead press and carry. The most important thing that I would focus on is the individual’s weakness. You assess movement patterns, identify weaknesses and adjust training on an individual basis. What’s good for the goose isn’t always good for the gander. What I can say is pick a system that works for you and stick with it. Consistency and intensity towards training will get you there.”
Q: What is your #1 piece of advice when it comes to developing discipline?
A: “If you want it, you have to be obsessed. Make a simple choice: go or no go. There’s zero gray area and you can’t be a fair weather fairy. Relish in the trials and rejoice in tribulations. They will only make you tougher and stronger.”
Simple, effective and straight to the point… but what else would you expect from a SEAL Commander? If you’re interested in learning more from, or about, Tommy you can find him on Instagram @raise.your.horn - he’s also worth following for some epic lifts.