BCAAs supplements are helpful for preserving muscle mass under extreme conditions.
As a dietary supplement to aid in muscle growth and recuperation, take 6 capsules 30-60 minutes after your workout.
Consult your physician before beginning a dietary regimen containing this product. If you are nursing, pregnant, or considering pregnancy, consult your healthcare professional prior to using this product.
Support Your Goals
<p>Prolab® <span class="caps">BCAA</span> Plus is a muscle-preserving formula made up of the essential amino acids L-Leucine, L-Valine and L-Isoleucine known as branched chain amino acids (BCAAs).</p>
About the Brand
<p>Prolab® Nutrition offers High-Quality Sports Nutrition for Athletes and Fitness Enthusiasts. Our products allow athletes to customize supplements specific to their training goals.</p>